Thursday 8 March 2012

Reflection on movie - The Cove

Japanese killed the dolphins and whales because of ‘Pest Control’; they are consuming Japan’s fish supply. They got the money from selling the dolphin to dolphin park. Also, they killed the dolphins is one of their tradition and culture. Remnants of the tradition notion of a Japanese empire are to spite the westerners who are trying to tell them what to do. They sell the whales meat too; it is because whales are also an alternative option for their food supply. It is wrong to kill dolphins and whales, because of intelligent and self-awareness. Japanese consumption of whale and dolphin meat and Japan’s general spurning of International Whaling Commission resolutions are extremely complex issues that should be examined soberly. From the Japanese perspective, whales and dolphins are not particularly special. These are a significant body of scientific evidence to support the Japanese position.  In certain parts of Japan, dolphins are food, just as cows are food in America but not in India. That’s why it is normal to kill whales and dolphin for the Japanese. 

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